Music Tuition

$380.00 NZD

At King’s School, the Arts play an important part of everyday life and every boy is encouraged to be creative.  

To supplement and enhance this program we provide access to private music tuition. These lessons are in addition to curriculum music and are rotated from week to week to ensure students do not regularly miss the same subjects.

Junior school students may undertake one activity per week in class time.

Middle/Senior school students are able to undertake two activities per week in class time. 

    If you have any questions about private music tuition please contact Megan Ward via email at or by phone on 520 7789.

    Terms & Conditions

    • Private Tuition is $380 per term, consisting of eight lessons.
    • All fees and costs will be charged to your school account on a term-by-term basis, or initially charged to your credit card for the first term and then charged to your school account each additional term.
    • All classes will automatically roll over to the next term within the school year.
    • To discontinue lessons please notify Megan Ward - – giving at least two weeks’ notice. (Lessons should not be discontinued at the start of a term.)
    • All private tuition lessons are in addition to class programmes and will run for one period, equivalent to not more than 30 minutes, with lessons generally rotated from week to week to ensure students do not regularly miss the same subject.
    • You can indicate a tutor preference but King's School reserves the right to make tutor changes as necessary.
    • Additional or extra lessons can be arranged with parental permission.
    • The cost of music books and examination fees are additional.

    Lesson absence and credits:

    • Notification of student absence must be provided to the tutor directly, by text or phone call, in addition to notifying the school, especially for those with morning lessons. 
    • In the case of student sickness or a School-run event clashing with a lesson, a teacher will offer a ‘catch-up’ lesson or credit in the following cases:
      • The student is sick, and the teacher has been contacted by text/phone call by 7:30am on the day of the lesson.  Emails will not be checked in the morning as the tutor will be teaching other students.
    • The student is involved in a school activity and the teacher is notified by 8:30pm the previous evening.
    • Teachers will offer a maximum of two ‘catch-up’ lessons or credits per term, even if further absences are justified under the terms of these conditions. An alternative zoom lesson can be arranged under exceptional circumstances.
    • If the tutor misses a lesson due to illness or other circumstances, the tutor will either make up the lesson or the lesson will be credited.